
Higher Education Partnership, Ivey recognize College Colors Day

Fridays are usually dubbed “casual Friday” around the office.

However, this Friday, folks are encouraged to wear their favorite college colors for the annual College Colors Day in Alabama.

The Higher Education Partnership join Gov. Kay Ivey in recognizing Friday for the importance of sharing the story of the value of the state’s universities.

Alabamians are encouraged to wear their favorite school’s colors to celebrate the traditions and spirit that make the college experience great, according to a news release.

“College Colors Day is a proud tradition here in Alabama, where school spirit runs deep and higher education plays a critical role in shaping our future,” Ivey said in a proclamation. “I’m proud to celebrate the students and graduates who are building a stronger Alabama with their talent, knowledge and dedication.

“On Aug. 30, I encourage everyone to proudly display their school colors to celebrate the rich academic and athletic success that makes our state great.”

The Higher Education Partnership represents the more than 180,000 students, faculty, staff and administrators of the 14 public universities in the state of Alabama.

“We celebrate universities because of the difference they make for every Alabamian,” said Gordon Stone, executive director of the Higher Education Partnership. “The state’s 14 public universities provide excellent educational pathways for every student to achieve their career dreams.

“With a more than $20 billion collective impact on Alabama, universities are powerful drivers for the economy of the state through innovation, research, and top-tier education.”